Monday 16 November 2015



The popular saying  “health is wealth” gives a large meaning to our life as health is considered the most valuable and precious for every individual. Good health means not only a state of absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well being of an individual.

A healthy environment facilities good health but it is the unhealthy environment due to over population, excessive industrialization, air and water pollution etc. that is threatening the life with many dreadful disease. In the contemporary India many people have been gripped by the clutch of disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, AIDS etc. although people of ancient India were said to be relatively healthy. At present people are suffering from various mental disorders also because they are racing blindly towards fame and having only one aim in life that is to achieve the big status in society.
Today competition in each field is so intense that nobody can escape from the hectic schedule of life. Earlier, a few decades ago, people used to work differently, enjoying the different color of life. But it is noticed now that people are working under stressful condition and without satisfaction, which is detrimental to their physical fitness. As a result they are suffering from many disease.

Physical fitness is very necessary for a healthy and tension free life. Physical fitness includes diet, exercise and sleep. These three basic things have their own importance in each individual’s life and everyone should be sensible with regard to these for a healthy life.

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