Friday, 1 January 2016

chapter - 10

In this chapter a Grammar is the tool we use to tie all our ideas together. Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called as elaboration. It involves 3 steps: choosing the core idea, choosing the way we want to elaborate it, choosing the way we are going to bridge it into core idea. Words combine to form images, then images combine to form the sentence, sentence combined to form the core ideas and this is elaboration. The process of elaboration is explained here.

New things that I have learnt from this chapter:
1.       It is important to look into the following:
·         What is the core idea
·         How is it elaborated
·         How is it summarized
2.       How is it transferred to write core idea Certain obvious rule that should be followed but usually are not:
·         Each step should be made small as possible
·         In proper order
·         All the steps should be included
·         Use of proper connector
·         Goal of the process should be mentioned in the beginning
3.       Meaning of logic
4.       We should express the changes in focus while beginning a new  sentences.
5.       Elaboration involves 3 steps
6.       Two ways of elaborating
·         Reason why
·         Narrative sequence

Things that I already knew about, that were given in the chapter:

·         If we are dealing with complicated process that requires number of short, separate steps.
·         Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentese is called elaboration.
·         Paragraph are the collection of sentences, it also has upper limit
·         Both grammar and connector are concerned with one goal- to transfer thought into other’s mind.
·         When we shift from one core idea to other, we change the focus. It is arbitrary
·         Instruction is the process of teaching someone how to do something.
·         Emphasis on certain thoughts can be made to stand out if they have their own paragraph.
·         Start with the fact that is known and combine them to gain facts that were unknown when we started

Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter:
·         Not able to understand the questions
·         Solved questions in group.
·         My other team members got different answers from mine

Concept that I used in blog post that I already written:
In my blog I wrote about attitude,behavior etc  First I gave the introduction to this topic in 1st paragraph. Its all about introduction only. Then I went on explain the each important points of that topic.

Concept applied to other subjects:
Instruction is the process of teaching someone how to do something. It consists of presenting a number of steps, one after another, so that a task my be completed correctly from begging to the end.

chapter - 9

In this chapter showed what is wit, symbolism and suspense and how to build it into our writing. It also showed how to use clarity principle. Only when we make it clear our purpose of communication is met.

New things that I have learnt from this chapter:
§  Once we see the source of this wit, we can start seeking out such pivot words too.
§  Pun gives 2 meaning- we get the meaning of the original sentence and get the meaning of new sentences
§   Each of the picture word had only one meaning. As they are used over the century, they picked up second, third and even more meaning.
§  Pivot words are the special title to multiple meaning word
§  Wit is the humorous change in a pivot word, in mid- image from one meaning to another
§  Clarity results when we restricts a pilot word to only 1 meaning
§  Whole range of reinforcing double meanings contained in single word - metaphor

Things that I already knew about, that were given in the chapter:

§  Use of suspense, wit, metaphors, symbolism, and allegory adds style t our writing.
§  Different kind of meaning was chosen to give different effect
§  Grammar imperceptibly blends into literature
§  Clarity results when we restrict a pilot word to only one meaning
§  Ambiguity results when we restrict a pilot word to more than one meaning.

Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter:
Yet to look into it.

How can I apply this concept

     This concept can be applied in all my subjects. This chapter helped me to improve my communication and also writing skills. This i can apply when im making the presentations and writing the assignments.

chapter - 8

We can make our communication immediately understanding by making it simple and clear. In this chapter we added clarity technique to the simplicity technique and made sure that our images cant be misunderstood. It also says the importance of communication . Without picture word your sentences is empty and without connecting word they are misunderstood.

The concept which i already knew
*        The big problem with the picture word is that most of them have more than one meaning.
*        Our reader must know which of the image to use when a sentence has more than one image
*        Marvelously funny image comes out of the sentence at the first reading
*        Condensing connector is a single word like him, her, them etc.

New things that I have learnt from this chapter
*        Without picture word our sentence is empty and without connecting word they are misunderstood.
*        Process of building our sentences include picking out our images and then pick out the relationships we want to show between them.
*        When the relationships  In sentences are immediately understood by our reader then our they  are simple
*        If our images are immediately understood by our reader then our sentences are clear

 I dint look into the questions. How can i apply this concept in my Blog Communication is the act of transmitting our own understanding to someone else

Concept that I applied
We can make our communication immediately understanding by making it simple and clear I want to connect this to presentation made on the day of national conference in our college by one of our seniors. She made her presentation clear by explaining all  the important points and simple by using not much sentences in it. It was a nice presentation and it could be easily understood.

chapter - 7

Learning’s from chapter:

·         Ways to avoid the monotony.
·         If words used in the sentences are difficult, sentences must be short.      
In the sentences, simplicity must be balanced with other less important sentences.

Mistakes  made during solving the problems
    Not concentrated much on it.

Concept which i used in blog        
       in making sentence structure simple and use of similar sentence structure often may  intrude upon the readers this chapter is something footnote to the earlier one. Because we now know the importance of simplicity. But in building simplicity we may airs another danger of monotony.

Concept which i already knew
       concept which I already now but when I learnt how to take sentence so repetitious and short that they were annoying the reader and transform them into longer sentence. It also explains how simplicity is vital that variety.

How can i apply this concept
          I can apply this concept in all my subjects. In this chapter i learnt how to use repeated words and make sentence lengthier. Though long sentences gives variety to your sentence.

chapter - 6

Learning’s from chapter

v  To improve the misuse of the connector words.
v   Dependents are tool for simplification of your thoughts
v  Repetition of words can be used to explain a process.
v  Steps to simplify the sentence.
v  Connector gives stronger tie between the 2 or more word image. 


mistakes are learning steps towards perfection soThere were some mistakes when i worked individually. But when i worked in group no much mistakes were found as we discussed the answers in group and wrote.
Already learnt
v  If a sentence includes more connector words, then it is a simple sentence.
v    We can repeat the words to make the sentence simple.

How can i apply this in my blog posts
            All the 10 chapters we knew to make sentences once again to make sentences using images and connectors. Transfer thoughts to others other mind. Now its all set that you re continuing the same goal with a view to make your listener clear and never confuse and to retain. 

How can i apply this concept
        We can apply it by  creating any sentence we build in picture in that in case its clear we leave it alone if not simply the sentence more so that it directly sets the reader. So we can be simplified by separating more crowded words for effortless understandable and connecting new units together with the connecting words . it must be clear , predictable and complete so that it must lead reader to understand what exactly you wanted to say.

chapter - 5

New things that I have learnt from this chapter
Ø  Even if here is no single actor or action we can understand them, because they make a sense.
Ø  Each of our sentence needs to have only enough words in it to be understood.
Ø  Effective, good, working sentences need only  have one word.
Concept which i already knew
           The length of the sentence must be decided by the speaker and the extent of talent he has to make it interesting. I believe that English is the only language which can be easily spoken and which can be modified easily when speaking.
Mistakes  made during solving the problems:
Ø  Confused with connecting words while framing the sentences.
Ø   Confused while shifting from one image to other image.
Concept from which i corrected the blog
          Only a word which doesnot make is said to be on sentence because it doesn't gives any sense.  In this chapter will see how this sentences benefits us for the flow of thought and how to adjust the length of sentences to make much clear simple.
How can it applied
           It can be applied in all my subjects. A sentence should contain the meaningful words that the sentence should contain the enough words in it to be understood .

chapter - 4

How to build understanding into every sentence you use
            There are mainly 3 kinds of connector. We can use two or more of them. But we must use at least one such type of connector.t his chapter is all about what are the types of connector which we can use after each sentence, how to use them. What is its importance etc .
            Three types of connectors are:
Ø  Linking connector,
Ø  Condensing connector,
Ø  Non-word connector

New things that I have  learnt from this chapter:
The fourth chapter provides insight about the connectors. There are three types of connectors they are, linking connectors, Condensing connectors and non-word connectors.
Ø  I already knew how to speak and write good English, but this chapter made me to understand more clearly by using connectors.
Ø  It is important to give our listener as much as thought as we feel is adequate at that time.
Ø  How to link your sentences together:

What I Already learnt
Ø  If a sentence includes more connector words, then it is a simple sentence.
Ø  We can repeat the words to make the sentence simple.

No much mistakes as we discussed the answers in group and wrote.

How can it be applied

       in this chapter can be applied in all subjects in writing the assignments. And also i can improve my communication skills. This chapter is also helpful to develop our basic fundamental knowledge.          

chapter - 3

How to build understanding into every sentence you use:
          This chapter says about the extent of understanding and the ways through which the message can be conveyed meaningfully and explain it convincingly. Here the proper use of picture words and connection words is used.

New things
 About Understanding.  The way of conveying the thoughts.
           When I explain something to someone, I would be very clear and I will explain with lots of examples. Then I noticed that people were not able to follow me. They couldn’t completely understand what I was saying. Now after reading this chapter I started to focus more on picture words, so that the same picture enters the mind of the listener and it would lead to better understanding.

Things already known
    Ø  1st Images comes to mind.
    Ø   Images play major role in mind. 
    Ø   Clear sentences.

How can i apply this concept
I consider this chapter as just the extension of the previous chapter. It explains how to communicate by providing better understanding.

chapter - 2

The 2nd chapter is about using 2 kinds of words, them to build our next larger unit of thoughts, the sentence.

There are 3 steps:
    In this their are word parts themselves, Then string those words parts together to form larger units of thoughts called sentence. And then we string these sentences together to form even larger units of thoughts called communication- stories, or explanation, or business report, or poems.
Things that I learnt from this chapter:
Ø  Learnt to connect the words which help in conveying our thoughts
Ø   Connecting words and picture words can make our thoughts easily convey to others
Ø  help me to communicate easily by using connective words
Ø  Using the right connector in the right way.
Things already knew about:
Ø  It takes time to form a correct statement.
Ø  Communicating the message as per our thoughts is not a simple task.
Ø  We should be careful while using the connecting words.
Ø  Too much of connecting words can spoil the message
Mistakes which I made while solving the questions:
Ø  Using connecting words and picture words was not easy.
Ø  As concept was really vast had difficult in reading all and finding answer.
Ø  As newly started using connecting words, fount difficult to use the right connector at right place.
Concepts of this chapter used to correct the existing blogs:
My blogs dint had connection nor pictures so after this chapters it helped me to make my blog more connective to the people. It also helps me to write a new post in very attractive way.

chapter -1


The Brilliance of Breakthrough

Chapter 1

            “The Brilliance of Breakthrough” by Eugene M. Schwartz. In the 1st chapter  The first page of the book begins with the sentence “How to talk and write so that the people will never forget you” it inspires  to every person who read the book with a fashion and take it as a challenge . It also teaches  how to understand and communicate in English.

what did I learned about Picture words ?

            In this first chapter Picture words is the word which has a built in picture within it for example like jasmin, boy, girl etc . there are many picture words which are still running in my mind. There are the words which draws a picture on our mind as soon as we hear it. And the connecting words means it has no built in picture in it but there is an connection in between the words like the, in ,is, Etc

What did I learned about Grammar in detail ?

           In this world, many find difficult to speak good English but Even when I speak I think whether it is right or wrong. In short I can say that I always think before I speak. It’s a book where it explains the simple way of understanding the grammar. Some students including me have massed up with grammar which has been taught in school days, because of lot of definition and meanings within it. But this book says to forget all parts of speech such as Noun, Pronoun etc. which is very unusual.

Framing a Sentence
           When writing my old blogs I was just typing what came to my mind. But I started to picture the thoughts that came to my mind. Framing sentence is not an easy task. The examples given in this book is very easy and understandable. The words in the book are also not very complicated for the readers. The sentences are beautifully framed in this book

What I learned in this chapter ?

         These are the words which are used to frame a sentence using picture words. in mind is just impossible.  The most important thing I found after reading this chapter is I started imagining the things as soon as I frame a sentence Even this sounded strange and funny in the beginning. Because learning to speak well with just two rules But when I thought about it I realized it is true. Picture words include everything and using connecting words makes it a complete sentence.

Things already knew about

Had the knowledge of picture word and connecting words but had no clue that these 2 words can make my understandable on grammar so simple.
 The first chapter gives an explanation about what the picture words and connecting words are. It is very helpful for many of the beginners because I can say that it is one kind of base of our communication knowledge. And it is easy to understand.