Tuesday 13 October 2015





To me, it simply means that you realize that there are problems or issues that are faced by groups of people in society that you do not belong to.  For example, if you are male, social awareness may consist of understanding that there are ways in which society keeps women down.  If you are rich, it may consist of understanding that there are real problems facing the poor that are not of their own making.
 Social awareness is crucial to success in a modern, complex world.  A person needs to know how to code-switch, for example.  This means that when you are in an academic environment you speak very differently than when you are with your friends.  You do not want to talk to the person interviewing you for a job like you would your buddies.
In general, I think of social awareness as a term that means someone is familiar with the social constructs and culture around them.  A socially aware person might understand certain slang.  They might be more familiar with what titles or words are taboo.  A person who is socially aware is far less likely to make embarrassing verbal blunders.

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